About Danielle

I am a clothing designer with a fierce sewing obsession.  I am a woman who is still a child at heart.  I hand-write letters and send them via snail mail.  I need sunshine.  Guinness makes me smile.  I don’t watch tv but I listen to music constantly.  I love cake & ice cream, star-gazing, and sleeping.  I crochet cotton dish cloths to help combat the harvesting of sea sponges.  Eating meat off a bone make me throw up in my mouth.  I have a wicked sweet tooth.  I am a list maker.  Cats are my favorite people.  I put off doing the dishes until the sink is overflowing, or I am out of utensils.  I have 7 piercings and 3 tattoos.  I’ve collected stickers since I was 6.  I love coffee, asparagus, beets, cheese, mushrooms, toasted walnuts, magic hat #9, curry, and s’mores.  No matter what time I leave I am always 10 minutes late.  As a child I walked around with “pet” worms in the pockets of my overalls, which my mother would then wash.  I am not medicated.  I hate egg yolk.  I think the social obligation to answer your phone is crap.  I can only write with fine point pens, and they must have a cap that has not been gnawed on.  I am a morning person, and my favorite time of day is just before sunrise.  I can’t sew while wearing my right shoe.  I’ve been to Abby Road and I’ve donated my hair to Locks of Love.  I recite lines during movies.  I love to garden & I grow the majority of my food.  I hoard fabric, hate being cold, and I talk to my cats.  I am impulsive and a professional procrastinator.  I love the smell of patchouli, gardenia, lilacs, and laundry dried on the line.  Despite diet and exercise my immune system is pretty much nonexistent.  I am a hermit.  I think trees are beautiful, especially when barren.  My love for animals has gotten me a series of rabies shots.  I love NPR, but kid’s corner pisses me off!  I am the oldest child and I’ve been called weird or strange my entire life.

For a glimpse of what goes on inside the rest of my “bubble”, be sure to stop by my other blogs:



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